Kristen McCarthy

Jul 10 at 03:30 PM

Yes! The twist and cool is a good class for that. You can also type the keyword "Digestion" into the search bar in the catalogue. A few other practices will show up that are also good for digestion : )

Jul 06 at 04:05 PM

I'm so happy the breath visualization is resonating with you! I practice this all the time : )

Jun 30 at 07:34 PM

Hi Carolyn, I love this! Thank you for sharing how you're integrating the practices into your day. I'm happy to hear that the extra layers of practice are nourishing for you, and helping you deepen your practice. Warmly, Kristen 


Jun 05 at 08:50 PM

You're welcome Emma. Yes, it's incredibly hard to find stillness in the mind. Yin yoga is a wonderful way to relax the body, and slow down the brainwaves. Try a yoga nidra meditation after practice for further help with the mind. Warmly, Kristen

May 12 at 06:11 PM

You're so welcome Adele! Sundari is the perfect goddess for this time of year. I'm happy to hear the practice and meditation resonated with you. Warmly, Kristen


May 05 at 12:32 PM

Beautify your five senses, so that you perceive the consciousness of all living things.

When we dull our senses with pollutants (media, audio, visual) our mind darkens, and we suffer in the darkness.

But when we absorb impressions of beauty, our perception opens to the light of consciousness, and we are renewed.

Consciousness is reflected in beauty, like light on the water, and this brings peace of mind.

This is Pratyahara, the 5th limb of yoga practice.

When we cleanse the palette of our five senses, the wisdom HIDDEN in your yoga practice comes to LIGHT.

This month, reflect on what you feed your eyes? What you feed your ears? What you feed your sense of touch? Taste? Smell?

How does this change your perception? 








Apr 16 at 05:10 PM

You're welcome Emma! I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling the radiance of this centre. Yes, this practice would effect the celiac plexus of nerves. We can hold so much stress in this area, and when it's released there is so much freedom. Warmly, Kristen


Apr 07 at 06:40 PM

Dear friends,

Many of you have been practicing the Yoga Nidra meditations in the membership (and I’ll be adding more in the future).

I wanted to include an explanation of the inner map of practice, and how you can explore this practice in-depth in my online program this Spring. 

The inner map of the Yoga Nidra practice guides us through the maya koshas, the five layers of our soul.

Our journey begins with the physical body, and guides us layer by layer, to the innermost centre of who we are.

Each layer of the soul is interconnected to the whole self, and unfolds toward our centre like the petals of a flower 🌸

Stress and trauma that arise on one layer, will inevitably effect the whole self, until it is resolved deep within our centre.

My online program, Journey Into Wisdom, explores the inner map of Yoga Nidra practice, and how it can become a vehicle for healing on all levels of the soul.

Each module of the program guides you through a journey of self-understanding, healing and inner transformation:


🌸SANKALPA - create a seed of light from your heart to guide you forward on your journey. ⠀⠀


🌸PHYSICAL LAYER- Balance your nervous system and step into right relationship with your body and the natural world. ⠀⠀


🌸ENERGY LAYER- Awaken the flow of life force energy through your chakras, and let go of emotions that keep you stuck in the past.


🌸EMOTIONAL LAYER - Shine a light into the subconscious patterns that you’re ready to transform through compassionate awareness.


🌸WISDOM LAYER - Return to the inner knowing of your heart, and resolve the unconscious belief systems that separate you from the source of Love.


🌸BLISS LAYER- Open to the innermost space of stillness, and integrate the flowers of new consciousness into your life. ⠀⠀


Do you feel a call to explore Yoga Nidra?

JOIN me for a 6 week transformative program:


Registration is open until Sunday April 16th 🧘🏻‍♀️


You can also explore the meditation catalogue in this membership! Yoga Nidra is perfect after a yin yoga class. 

Warmly, Kristen 

Mar 22 at 11:44 AM

Hi David, I'm so happy to hear that you've integrated Yoga Nidra regularly into your life! Yes, Yoga Nidra is a wonderful addition to Panchakarma to clear out the subconscious mind and balance the doshas. Spring is such a wonderful time to care for your body and mind. Thank you for sharing more about your yoga journey. Warmly, Kristen

Mar 09 at 09:43 AM

You're welcome Katrien! I'm also thankful for this community, and everyone's sincere interest in their practices. Looking forward to continuing to grow and share xx Kristen