May 05, 2023
• Edited (May 05, 2023)

Beautify your five senses, so that you perceive the consciousness of all living things.

When we dull our senses with pollutants (media, audio, visual) our mind darkens, and we suffer in the darkness.

But when we absorb impressions of beauty, our perception opens to the light of consciousness, and we are renewed.

Consciousness is reflected in beauty, like light on the water, and this brings peace of mind.

This is Pratyahara, the 5th limb of yoga practice.

When we cleanse the palette of our five senses, the wisdom HIDDEN in your yoga practice comes to LIGHT.

This month, reflect on what you feed your eyes? What you feed your ears? What you feed your sense of touch? Taste? Smell?

How does this change your perception? 






