November 14, 2022
• Edited (Nov 15, 2022)

Dear friends & community,

I'm wondering how you have connected to the Ma Kali practice that was released this month in the library?

I'm inspired to share what's arising for me after spending some time with the goddess Kali and her teachings.

The divine mother first came to me in the form of Kali a few months ago, when I was processing grief in so many ways.

She guided me to the cremation ground of my heart, and asked me to spend time releasing and letting go.

This was my inspiration for sharing this practice with you, and I've continued to meditate on these teachings since.

Recently, in meditation, I found myself feeling a sense of loss for a time /place/ people that have passed -

And I was gently guided away from the sense of loss, and into the light of my heart.

There, I felt the beauty and wisdom that was gifted to me during that time from the past.

And I realized that the past wasn't the past. It was an eternal presence within me that was always there.

It was not lost, but instead integrated into my soul.

The light of the past (time / place / people) is available anytime I rest my awareness between the spaces of time.

Anytime, we can peer through time, through the cloak of grief, and into the eternal.

I hope this sharing resonates with you, and I would love to hear what Ma Kali is teaching you!

Warmly, Kristen

PS: I attached Ma Kali's Yantra, which is a point of meditation that awakens our consciousness on levels beyond the intellectual mind.